Do you know why Google failed in the social networking space? - Nummero

Google Plus, which was established in 2011, was discontinued by
Google in April 2019 due to low user engagement and difficulties in sustaining a viable platform.
It failed to energize people’s enthusiasm for utilizing the social media platform.
In comparison to other prominent social media sites such as Facebook
Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, Google Plus has the fewest registrations and downloads.
With over 1.8 billion users on Gmail as of 2020,
Google might have controlled the social media network with competitors Facebook and Twitter.
But, regrettably, they did not succeed.
They attempted to join the social business with platforms such as Orkut, Google Buzz, Google Waves,

and Google Plus, but their efforts were futile.

The failures of Orkut and Google Plus are regarded as the most significant failures in the social media industry.

All of this is to say that Google, like its monopoly on Search Engines.
Has the potential to become a monopoly in the Social Media Business.
The only issue that they only realized what was going on after it was too late.
This disaster may have been far worse if it hadn’t been for YouTube.
Right now, the only successful Social Media

platform is YouTube, which they did not create but rather acquired.
Google tried and tried and tried, but it couldn’t get a social network to operate for long.
Google started Orkut shortly after Myspace and immediately.
Before Facebook after attempting to purchase Friendster for $30 million.
Orkut failed, and when Google Plus personal accounts were deactivated.
Google stated that Google Currents will replace the social network for corporate users.
Since July, Google Currents has been open to everyone, and the
Google Plus Android and iOS applications have renamed as Google Currents to reflect the change.
Google Currents, aimed at corporate customers, promises to enable.
Individuals to conduct meaningful dialogues and interactions
Throughout your organization, keeping everyone in

the loop and allowing leaders to engage with their workers.
Google Currents has a new interface as well as a slew of new functionality.
The home screen is customizable, allowing you to focus on the most essential messages.
Users can also sort the home stream according to relevance.
Google Currents, like Google+, allows users to make comments, ask questions through postings, and exchange feedback.
It has built-in statistics to determine the reach of each post.
Users may also follow tags and other topic-based streams to get additional material.
That matches their interests.
Goodbye, Google Plus.
You will not  forgotten.
Google social media has so far failed mostly for the following reasons:

  • Inadequate teamwork and vision
  • Late entry into the market
  • There is no innovation.
  • Startups in social media do not support it.


The most crucial component of surviving as a social media platform is originality.
You will not be able to survive if you replicate the concept of an existing service.
Social media platforms must enhance their services by meeting.
The demands of their users, or they must provide something new that consumers did not realize they wanted.
The second most essential factor is scalability.
Successful networks must be able to accommodate large influxes of new users over time.
People will depart in frustration if platforms begin to slow down and stumble as a result of greater use.
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