Funnel Form - Nummero
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Company Name
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Name of the Product/Service
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How many clients have you worked with?
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Funnel Setup Information

Can you target globally? ( If not, what countries do you operate in? )
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Your advertising daily budget?
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Landing page for these ads ( Please provide the URL to the page the ads will point too )
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What are you promoting? (i.e A Free Consultation, A Webinar, A Course...)
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Please describe the product/service in details (features and benefits)
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What is the primary problem this product/service solves?
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If you had a gun to your head and you had to list the ONE benefit that's most likely to make someone buy the product or service, what would this be?
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Does this product/service deliver the #1 benefit in a unique way? Explain?
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What's the great big promise you give to customers?
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What EXACTLY is the offer?
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Have you had any pror experience with ad campaigns? If yes, could you please share some details about it?
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What do current clients especially like about the business and the product/service?
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Please list competitors. How is your product different/better?
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Please share your Logo
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Please share your picture for the landing page
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Please provide either Google Drive or Dropbox links to any video or photo testimonials..
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If you were selling the product/service and you really wanted to shock the protentials customer and really get their attention, what would you say?
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What are the limitations of the product/service?
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How long does it take to see results with your product/service?
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What's the great big promise you give to customers?
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Legal restrictions we should be aware of?
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Do you want the price mentioned on the funnel?
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Why should clients act now/book a call now with your product/service?
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Please describe the ideal client/customer
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What do ideal customers fear? (One- or two-words MAX)
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What frustrates ideal customers?
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What are your customers main pressing needs?
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What's an idea your target audience believes is true, but is completely WRONG?
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What NEGATIVE person, thing, or circumstance do they believe is working against them? And HOW does this hurdle hurt them or keep them from getting results they want?
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List common objections. How have you effectively overcome them?
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What makes you DIFFERENT from your competitors?
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Do you have a defined process like the example below? (Please list the old way vs the new way)
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Anything else we should know?
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By submitting this form you consent that all the information provided above is ACCURATE AND IS COMPLETE. You also understand that you need a DFY Funnel before completion of the Ad Setup. You understand that if the information is incomplete or you don't have a DFY Funnel this will result in delays.
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