Integrated Marketing Communication – Meaning and Tools - Nummero

In this competitive world with several marketing and advertising channels
and powerful marketing campaigns, you must deliver a consistent marketing message.
Utilizing a 360-degree strategy to enhance your market position and influence both new and existing consumers.
To assist you in moving forward with this strategy, below is a handbook on integrated marketing communication.

What Is Integrated Marketing Communication?

IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications) is a concept in which a firm meticulously.
Combines and organizes its many communication channels to provide a clear and consistent message.
Its goal is to maintain message uniformity and complimentary media utilization.
IMC is the integration of all marketing techniques, tactics, and resources
Inside a firm to maximize the effect on the customer’s mind, resulting in maximum profit at the lowest possible cost.
It employs several novel approaches to guarantee that the client receives
the appropriate message at the right place and right time

IMC Tools


Advertising is any type of compensated non-personal marketing of a product or service by a specific sponsor.
Print (newspapers and magazines), broadcast (radio and television),
network (satellite, wireless, and telephone),
electronic (web page, audio, and videotape),
and display are the different media utilized (billboards, signs, and posters).
The major benefit of advertising is that it reaches consumers who are geographically scattered.
Consumers often think that a widely promoted brand must provide some
“good value,” yet advertising is a costly method of promotion.

Sales promotion

So,It refers to a range of short-term incentives designed to stimulate the use or purchase of a product or service.
It may include consumer promotions – aimed at consumers –
such as the distribution of free samples, coupons, offers on larger purchases, discounts,
and premiums – or trade promotions – aimed at retailers –
such as display and merchandising allowances, volume discounts,
pay for performance incentives, and salesperson incentives.
By providing various forms of incentives, sales promotion serves to capture
the attention of customers and gives an invitation to engage in a transaction.

Personal Selling

Face-to-face engagement with one or more buyers to make presentations, answer questions, and make purchases.
This is the most effective instrument in the final phases of the purchasing process.
The benefit is that the message may be tailored to the customer’s specific
needs and is geared at developing a long-term connection with the buyer.

Public Relations

A variety of activities aimed at strengthening the organization’s interaction with the public.
Advertising is a one-way communication medium,
but public relations is a two-way communication medium that can monitor feedback
and adapt its message to provide the most advantage.
Publicity, which capitalizes on the news value of the product or service
so that the information may communicated to the news media, is a frequent tactic utilized here.
Articles in the media are more objective than advertising and have a high level of trustworthiness.
It can also reach out to hard-to-find consumers who ignore tailored messages.

Direct Marketing

So,Direct marketing entails communicating directly with or soliciting reactions or
interactions from individual consumers or prospects by mail, phone, fax, e-mail, or the internet.
Shoppers are depending on credit cards and online purchases more

than ever before, making it critical for marketers to engage customers directly,
assisting them in the buying process.
Companies maintain a database of consumer contact information,
from which they send catalogues and other marketing materials, making it simpler for
the consumer to purchase online.
Direct marketing has grown in importance in recent years.


Traditional tools of Integrated Marketing Communication (Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public Relations, Direct Marketing, and Personal Selling) are proving to be more of a foundation on which modern tools
(Events and Experiences, Social Media Marketing, and Mobile Marketing)
are emerging in the modern era of digitization.
Modern tools improve the customer experience and the effect of communications on the audience.
Modern tools provide low-cost, high-visibility, and high-influence targeted messaging.
So,You can get in touch with Nummero for the best marketing plan as we are top digital marketing agency in bangalore