Is your transformation strategy a strategy at all? - Nummero

Senior executives have historically established business

strategies and passed them down like tablets of the law.

The omnipresent five-year plan worked well, basically,

when the rate of change was slower,

firms could see competition coming, and disruption wasn’t a thing.

That is no longer acceptable in today’s world.

Not only changes unavoidable,

but the continual transformation is the buzzword in business.

If strategy used to be a map with an ‘X’ marking the location,

it now has to be like Waze, recalculating along the road to avoid issues.

Markets evolve, rivals arise, and new technology emerges practically every day,

and strategy must account for all of this.

One of the most prevalent causes for failing digital

or other company transitions is a lack of a well-defined and well-communicated strategy.

As a result, there is inconsistency in leadership, contradictory goals and efforts,

resistance to change, and a lack of resources to implement and sustain change.

Only approximately a third of 11,000 senior managers polled by

the MIT Sloan School of Management correctly

recognized the top three CEO-defined company goals.

According to Harvard Business School research, 95 percent of a company’s workers

do not know or comprehend its strategy.

It’s no surprise, therefore, that polls routinely place

the success rate for company changes at less than 30%.

According to a new Boston Consulting Group report,

around 70% of digital transformations fail to deliver entirely,

and that defined goals and business results are important drivers of success.

There are several frameworks for strategic planning,

but they all follow a similar pattern: a cycle of discovery,

definition, action planning, and implementation.

It should be an iterative process,

similar to agile software development,

and should be examined frequently to analyze and course-correct as needed.

So, what’s the deal with strategy?

The short-termism of quarterly business reaction makes it difficult to focus on long-term –

even annual – goals.

Some businesses regard strategy as a hindrance.

Others believe it is exclusively for large corporations.

Smaller businesses believe

they know enough about their industry and market to proceed without preparation.

It’s also typical for businesses to believe they have a strategy

when all they truly have is a goal

(grow sales by 50%) or a series of actions

(implement a new CRM, or cut staff to improve the bottom line).

Simply defined, strategy is a company’s winning formula.

It explains why we select the clients we will serve,

the products and services we supply,

the value they give, and why we are a better choice than rivals.

It also identifies what we choose NOT to do,

things that may divert our attention and energy.

As previously said, strategy begins with discovery –

a thorough examination of your company and its surroundings.

Because you can’t alter what you don’t understand, discovery is essential.

Examine your purpose, vision, and values.

The strategy must be based on why the organization exists and what it thinks,

as well as the tales it tells about itself.

A mobile infrastructure firm

I worked with sought to utilize industry knowledge to develop a mobile marketing solution –

but lacked the entrepreneurial attitude and capabilities to do so.

So,Some people find goal and vision overly “fluffy,”

yet if a strategy is the road map,

they may assist ensure you’re on the correct track.

Examine the data: sales, production, finance, and so forth.

One of my clients, who had separate local and national sales teams,

discovered how much effort was being expended

on thousands of low-value customers;

a unified sales organization for better resource allocation company-wide,

combined with a self-service model for low-value accounts,

could free sales reps to focus on expanding high-potential customers.


Finally, approach widely known within your business.

It will have an impact on everyone,

therefore they must grasp your new emphasis and direction,

as well as how it will influence their job.

So,If 95 percent of workers don’t know where you’re headed as you move

from strategy definition to planning and execution,

there’s a 100 percent chance you’ll end up somewhere else.

You may contact Nummero since we are a top digital marketing agency in Bangalore.