The Definitive Guide to Web Application Development - Nummero

Websites were static in the early days of the internet, sometimes enhanced with graphics and even videos.

However, until around 2005, when Ajax made it feasible to construct richer, quicker,
and more interactive online apps, the contemporary concept of
web application development remained a distant dream.

Web apps are now so common that they often go overlooked.
Nonetheless, we use them all the time.

From Microsoft Office components such as MS Word and PowerPoint to famous software

such as Mailchimp, Basecamp, and even Facebook,
web-based applications allow you to have unique, customized,

and immersive experiences similar to native programs straight from your browser.

Web applications combine the customized experience of native mobile apps with
the convenience of accessing them from any device via a web browser.

That is why web application development is not just a highly sought-after
talent among developers, but also the ideal option for a wide range of enterprises,

including e-commerce, banking, entertainment, education, and everything in between.

What Is A Web Application?

A web application is utilized every time you ‘do’ something online.

It doesn’t matter if you’re doing your shopping online, banking online, or using webmail.

Web applications are simply application software that is kept on a remote server supplied

by a third party and may be accessed straight from your browser without
the need for downloading anything.


What is Web Application Development?

Web application development is the process of creating an application that can be accessed
via a web browser by combining client-side and server-side programming.

Developers begin by conceptualizing a web application to solve a specific problem,

then design the app, select the appropriate framework to create the web app, test it,
and ultimately deploy it.

Web App vs Website – Is There a Difference?

Yes, you are correct in asking that question.

It’s the first thing that springs to mind, and for good reason.

The distinction between a website and a web app is sometimes hazy.

Here’s the actual distinction.

A website can be a static page that just provides information and may or may not accept user interaction.

A web app, on the other hand, is a dynamic online application
that responds to user input and enables users to execute certain activities through the internet.

In simply, a web app is any website that contains a client-side component that allows users to accomplish a job.

Web applications  intended to execute certain activities that assist the user in resolving an issue.

Websites might exist just to disseminate information.

Web Apps vs Mobile Apps

Web applications accessed via a browser on any device, whether it be a desktop or a mobile device.

So, the true decision here is whether to use mobile web applications or native mobile apps.

Native apps are platform-specific programs that  designed specifically for Android or iOS devices.

They must  downloaded and installed from an app store on your smart-phone.

While they provide a highly customized experience,
they are costly to develop, take up space on a device, and are only available on that device.

Web applications, on the other hand, may use on any device because they are accessed through a browser.

They do not consume device storage space, and most significantly, developing a web app is more cost-effective and feasible.


To summarise, web application development will be a significant competitive advantage in 2021.

Web apps are a superior alternative to native app development and even hybrid app development

since they are universally beneficial to any user, regardless of device, operating system, or network.

You may contact Nummero since we are the best website development company in Bangalore.