Forecasts for Digital Marketing in 2022 and Future - Nummero

The digital marketing landscape develops so rapidly that it’s nearly hard to predict

what the future of digital marketing may hold in terms of potential.

We’ve seen new technologies, a social media backlash of sorts,

and influencer marketing mature from its early days

as a legitimate and strong marketing channel in its own right during the last year or so. 

What are the most important content marketing trends in my opinion for 2022 and beyond?

Marketing Predictions for 2022


There are three significant developments in the digital marketing sector

that I believe everyone will be discussing. 

The first is the revival of Content Marketing as the primary marketing strategy for firms. 

Before the epidemic, startup entrepreneurs and B2B SaaS marketers

might contemplate purchasing social media advertisements to help their businesses expand.

They are now focusing much more on content marketing. 


Because Google stated that content marketing is the most effective approach to rank for buyer searches. 

According to the Content Marketing Institute, more than two-thirds of marketers want to increase

their content marketing spending in 2022, with one-fifth planning to increase by double digits.

AI-generated content is the second bug trend. 

We will begin to see the value of an AI-powered content marketing approach. 

If 60-70 percent of the material we generate is never used,

AI will compel us to reassess what we create and why.

You may not be aware that for more than two years, media such as

the Washington Post and others have been employing AI to produce templated content

(think sports scores and highlights or crime stories).

We examined a couple of these services and found none that can write excellent blog material or long-form articles to anywhere near

the degree of quality necessary to rank for search or respond to technical or professional thought leadership needs. 

However, that future may not be far away.

The third most significant trend is employee activation.

AI will tell us what to produce, but our best storytellers are our current employees from across the organization. 

Every organization needs a plan to engage these people

as both content creators and the most effective distribution route for that material.

This is what I like to refer to as The AI Paradox: the more robots tell us what to do,

the more we will need our internal specialists to generate and disseminate that information.

We’re quite certain of a couple of things. 

For the time being, content marketing isn’t going away. 

But what additional digital marketing trends may we expect to see as we approach 2022?

Everything is powered by voice.


Smart speakers and “assistants” have been around for a while, but they truly took off in 2017 and 2018,

As consumers shed their fear of talking to their phones and a slew of new consumer gadgets,

such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home, hit the market.

There’s no reason for this mobile trend to slow off, and this hands-free technology

will become an increasingly common way for people to engage with their gadgets. 

Voice search is thought to fuel more than half of all search inquiries.

With the increase of voice search enabled smart gadgets,

there will be additional options to promote to the individuals who possess them. 

Amazon saw this possibility when it began providing cheaper

Kindle devices in return for consenting to receive marketing emails.

Targeted Alexa advertisements are already in the works, and additional gadgets will undoubtedly follow.

Marketing and Support Technology Powered by AI


For a long time, artificial intelligence has been extending what’s possible in the realm of digital marketing,

but in the next years, we’ll witness exponential jumps in what this technology is capable of.

Chatbots will become a customer care standard and will increasingly replace live operators

as machine learning algorithms get more powerful and can mimic humans with almost eerie precision.

Marketing is becoming more conversational and individualized,

and chatbots allow you to capitalize on this trend without putting additional load on your staff or resources.

Advertising is also utilising artificial intelligence.

While it hasn’t yet attained human-level creativity, Google is now running

AI-powered advertisements to improve campaigns by finding the best-performing

ad styles and language and automatically updating based on user interaction.

Social Media’s Future


You may believe that social media is already ubiquitous, but it still has room to expand. 

While the future of social media may be something, well, more social,

the expansion of these platforms is unlikely to slow anytime soon.

Social media will continue to infiltrate every aspect of our lives and become genuinely integrated with both online and offline services.

In an episode of the dystopian Netflix series Black Mirror, social networking has overflowed into the real world, 

with people evaluating their interactions with others and being rewarded better housing, employment, and social standing depending on their total rating.

Is it science fiction? 

Maybe for the time being, but the future isn’t that far away. 

Most of your phone’s applications are undoubtedly already exchanging data with your social media networks, and it’s already standard practice for employers and recruiters to scan social media accounts before interviews.

So, what does this imply for marketers? 

As the AI algorithms employed in social media get more complex, there will be a better knowledge of each client as a person, as well as the ability to give more targeted offers and services.

Micro-influencer Marketing Is Taking Off


Influencer marketing has already increased in popularity in recent years, 

with top influencers on platforms such as Instagram and

YouTube acquiring millions of followers and earning six figures from brand partnerships.

However, influencer marketing is still in its infancy,

and while it promises a higher

ROI than more traditional advertising channels,

there are still kinks to work out.

Fake followers are a contemporary issue that is still being addressed,

and there have been some prominent instances when brand/influencer connections have backfired negatively.

Big-name influencers are also losing power as they accept more and more sponsored postings,

decreasing the credibility and effectiveness of their recommendations.

As consumers continue to value personal recommendations over being marketed to,

it will make sense to spend more on “micro-influencers”

those social media users with a tiny but loyal following who can offer authentic marketing messages to a trusted audience.

The strength of influencers will be judged not by the number of followers they have,

but by their interactions with each follower.

Augmented Reality Is Becoming More Common


Remember the Pokémon Go mania that swept the world in 2016? 

The smartphone game was not only a brilliant illustration of how augmented reality

can be applied in video games, but it was also a marketing opportunity,

as companies leaped at the chance to offer to consumers

who were attempting to capture a Pokémon or two on their doorstep.

Augmented reality is more than simply a game-playing gimmick. 

It is increasingly being utilized as a tool for marketers to reach out to customers. 

Ikea now has a virtual reality catalog where you can place furniture in your own house,

and fashion firms are beginning to embrace augmented reality to allow

their consumers to virtually try on items in the comfort of their own homes.

Expect to see more firms hop on the augmented reality bandwagon,

with the technology gradually becoming more mainstream with genuine marketing aims,

rather than a nice novelty. 

Expect to see more firms join on the augmented reality bandwagon,

with the technology gradually becoming more mainstream with legitimate marketing aims,

rather than a charming gimmick.

Video has surpassed all other digital channels.


For years, astute marketers have understood the importance of online video – in 2015,

The Washington Post forecasted that video

will account for 80% of all online content by 2020.

We’re not quite there yet, but a video is already proving to be a strong medium,

with live streaming video, in particular, seeing a significant increase in the last year or two.

Video marketing can be extremely successful at increasing engagement levels,

and consumer demand for video shows no signs of abating — 

YouTube has already surpassed Facebook as the second-most visited site

(Google is number one, naturally).

You’re already behind if you haven’t properly embraced video in your brand promotion,

but it’s not too late to catch up. 

Exciting things are becoming feasible with the mix of live video and augmented reality,

and unique and creative videos  set to the main content channel winner as we approach 2019.

Employee Activation: Getting Back to Basics


Of course, technological advancements are wonderful, but

we must not lose sight of the fundamental concepts that define a great digital marketing plan and a great company.

Employee activation will help your firm to get the most out of every employee, 

who will act as brand ambassadors and drive sales

and conversions in a more authentic way than any advertising campaign could ever be.

This is, in my opinion, the most important B2B marketing trend right now!

Referencing the micro-influencer marketing trend, when your staff is engaged,

they will function  micro-influencers for your brand. 

If you are successful in hiring employees

who align with your brand values and assist their enthusiasm for what you’re trying to do develop, 

they will behave like your most ardent supporters.

As our reliance on technology rises,

more and more firms see the need to be more “human,”

and to engage workers’ storytelling and organic sharing capacity — 

this is the “paradox of AI,” as people learn to coexist with robots in this brave new world of opportunity.



If they want to achieve excellent outcomes in 2022, they must continue to look for new trends. 

Along with this, businesses should research

other brands in their field and attempt several prospective Digital marketing methods. 

Businesses who invest in transforming their digital presence and strategy

will build a strong foundation for themselves against future crises

 while also better responding to consumers’ requirements as the situation necessitates.

You may contact Nummero for the best Internet Marketing Services; we are the leading agency in Bangalore.

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